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Pieces 150
Size 900x600
Complexity simple
Added nata-2
Published 2/1/15
Players 41
Best time 00:00:46
Average time 00:19:46
The salad got its name because of the recipe according to which finely chopped herring fillets are placed on a flat dish and sequentially covered with layers of sweet onions and pre-boiled potatoes, carrots, eggs, and beets. In this case, it is desirable that the last layer was beetroot. All layers are smeared with mayonnaise. And from above everything is decorated with greenery.
This salad appeared in the USSR in the 60-70s of the last century. And it seems to me more reliable than the legend about its origin that has become widespread on the Internet. And the legend says that the salad was invented by the merchant Anastas Bogomilov, who wants to protect his own taverns from fights and drunken fights that constantly arise in them. There was a Civil War in the country, more and more proletarians appeared in taverns, and the merchant had to go for a little trick. During the New Year celebration in 1918, a dish with the unusual name "SH.U.B.A" appeared on the tables for the first time in the tavern. It was decoded as the slogan "Chauvinism and Decline - Boycott and Anathema", his recipe was invented by a chef working in the tavern named Aristarkh Prokoptsev. The popular name "herring under a fur coat" immediately relieved the new dish of political overtones, although it was not the composition of the products that played a special role in it, but their colors. So, burgundy beets were associated with the red banner, and ordinary potatoes and herring at that time were considered a common snack for workers and peasants. Visitors to the inn, who liked the “herring under a fur coat”, actively ordered such a salad, and while drinking vodka they got drunk much less, which significantly reduced the number of fights.
I don’t know if the legend is right, but the salad itself has become truly legendary. It is still made with pleasure in many families, creatively varying the recipe.

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