The clock itself is in a lotus flower.
Table clock from the world famous watch and jewelry company Cartier. This model is called the Flamingo and Lotus Automaton Clock, in the design of which there is a distinctive brand element - a flamingo figure adorned with precious stones. Cartier's most famous piece, which also featured a flamingo, is the legendary brooch once bought by Wallis Simpson, Duchess of Windsor. So, the Cartier Flamingo and Lotus Automaton Clock is crafted by experienced jewelers in yellow gold and encrusted with 190 carat white diamonds, 90 carat yellow diamonds, as well as luxurious sapphires, pearls, jade and onyx. The preliminary cost of the model is 320 thousand dollars.
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Pieces | 240 |
Size | 990x1056 |
Complexity | normal |
Added | Fila |
Published | 10/13/14 |
Players | 10 |
Best time | 00:16:54 |
Average time | 00:38:04 |
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