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Pieces 384
Size 1440x960
Complexity normal
Added nata-2
Published 7/12/13
Players 60
Best time 00:07:00
Average time 01:33:47
Apple pie is perhaps the most common type of dessert among many peoples of the world. England, Russia, France and America dispute the right to be called the birthplace of apple pie. According to one of the English versions, Queen Sofia Charlotte of Mecklenburg-Strelitzkaya, wife of George III, had her hand in the apple pie recipe, and in her honor the pie is called charlotte. And although in the distant Middle Ages, many pies that had beaten eggs, milk and sugar in their composition were called charlottes, but to this day the name charlotte has come down firmly associated with apple pie. Although, if in the English apple pie they used bread for cooking, then in the French version, thanks to the chef Marie-Antoine Karem, they began to use biscuit instead of bread. And on top, the cake was covered with custard. In Russia, they began to serve apple pie to the table of Alexander I, who really liked this culinary masterpiece. The pie was named "Russian charlotte". Rumor has it that it was named after Alexandra Fedorovna - Charlotte of Prussia. There is also a version that the apple pie was created by Russian chefs for Sophia Charlotte of Blankenburg, the daughter-in-law of Tsar Peter I. And in America, especially in Virginia, apple pie simply became a national symbol. Although the cake recipe from good old England migrated to the USA, in the states it is considered their own brainchild. There is even a city in America called Pie Town in honor of this very pie. A very small town, but it was in it in the early 1920s that the American pastry maker Clyde Norman began to bake and sell those very American pies. I must say that the recipe for the American pie was changed, they added butter or margarine, lemon zest and rum to it. Also at the heart of the American pie is, in fact, two layers of shortcrust pastry and an apple filling. Alternatively, the cake can be open or half closed. Previously, apple pie was baked when autumn came and the apples were harvested. Now apples are on our table all year round. Still, the most delicious apple pie is made with Antonovka. The apple pie, the recipe for which is suggested in the comments to the puzzle, is especially popular with men. Looks big, but disappears quickly!

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

nata-2 , 8/13/13, 5:44:50 PM
На пирог весом 1,5 - 2 кг возьмите на тесто :
500г муки (3 стакана),
300г маргарина или сливочного масла (со сливочным малом тесто мне больше нравится),
200г сахарного песку (1 стакан),
1 яйцо,
соли щепотку,
0,5 чайной ложки соды (лучше погасить уксусом).

На начинку:
1 - 1,2кг антоновских яблок,
1 стакан сахарного песку,
2-3 столовых ложки сахарной пудры

Масло и муку мелко порубите. Добавьте сахар, соль, соду и яйцо. Замесите тесто, скатайте его в шар. Поместите в холодильник , пока готовится начинка. Яблоки очистите от кожицы, удалите зерна. Половину яблок нарежьте мелко, положите в небольшую кастрюльку, куда предварительно высыпали сахарный песок, соединенный с двумя столовыми ложками воды. Поставьте их варить закрыв крышкой, не забывая периодически помешивать. Вторую часть яблок нарежьте тонкими ломтиками. Когда яблоки станут мягкими, пюреобразными и выпарится излишняя влага, снимите яблоки с огня и охладите. Тесто раскатайте в виде круглой лепешки толщиной не более 0,5см. Положите тесто в неглубокую, большого диаметра форму или на железный лист. Загните края как для ватрушки. Посыпьте тесто картофельным крахмалом. Положите на тесто ровным слоем вареные, немного остывшие яблоки. Сверху уложите сырые яблоки, нарезанные тонкими ломтиками, посыпьте слегка сахарной пудрой. Загните края теста внутрь, прищепите и поставьте в разогретую духовку печь до получения румяной корки сверху и снизу. Я устанавливаю температурный режим духовки на 220 градусов и пеку 25 минут. Когда яблоки начнут подрумяниваться, накройте пирог листом смоченной водой бумаги. Иначе они могут подгорать.
Готовый пирог немного остудите и переложите на блюдо.   
Tatia , 8/13/13, 10:17:06 PM
Замечательное описание к пазлу ! А рецепт возьму обязательно на заметку !  

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