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Pieces 266
Size 1159x854
Complexity normal
Added Darsi
Published 6/13/14
Players 7
Best time 00:30:33
Average time 00:46:50
Manarola is a small fishing town in Liguria, in northern Italy. The city is located on a cliff overhanging the wild coastline of the Ligurian Sea. It is one of the five cities that make up the Italian Riviera known as the Cinque Terre. The tiny harbor of Manarola has a dock for boats. The picturesque colorful houses built right on the slopes of the cliff above the gorge form a magnificent picture. Despite the fact that there is no beach here, it is a good place for snorkeling and exploring caves and rock crevices. A special staircase was built to descend to the water. Traditionally, the main industry is fishing and winemaking. Even in the days of the Roman Empire, the local wine was prized for its excellent taste. Recently, Manarola and other towns on the riviera have also become very popular with tourists, especially during the summer months. The main attraction is the trail connecting all five cities. It is sometimes called the path of love.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

zesebor , 2/14/15, 12:29:41 PM
Хороший пазл, красивое место, только автор перепутал "лево" и "право", видимо взяв слайд картинки. В действительности Манарола зеркальна относительного этого пазла. В прошлом году обошел ее вдоль и поперек и, поэтому, никак не мог, собирая пазл, понять что не так в изображении знакомого города.  

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