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Pieces 192
Size 992x744
Complexity simple
Added Villet Labaskur
Published 4/6/14
Players 9
Best time 00:11:58
Average time 00:26:49
Soroka Victor Filimonovich 76 years old. A retired military man, he began to paint only after retirement, although he painted all his life.
The painting depicts the Powder Tower built in 1554-1556 - the only landmark of the fortification construction in Lviv preserved to this day. It was built from the stones of the old City Arsenal. From the end of the 50s of the last century, the house of the architect was located in the tower. Cultural and artistic events often take place here. Although the tower looks quite voluminous from the outside, the premises inside are rather small: after all, the walls are almost three meters thick. The entrance to the tower is guarded by two 19th century white marble lions, which, among the seven thousand stone lions in Lviv, have the highest artistic value.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

ЛІСОВИК , 5/17/14, 8:11:46 PM
*Катруся* , 3/10/15, 9:51:26 PM
Спасибі за чудові пазли.Приємно збирати, приємно пізнавати знайомі місця і мріяти про наступну зустріч зі Львовом))  
Villet Labaskur
Villet Labaskur , 1/30/16, 12:25:01 AM
Давно не заглядала на сайт... Дякую усім за теплі відгуки.  

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