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Pieces 204
Size 708x1003
Complexity normal
Added Faina Neznanskiy
Published 3/30/14
Players 3
Best time 00:15:30
Average time 00:23:49
Grigory Rasputin is one of the most amazing people born on Russian soil. Not a single tsar, commander, scientist, statesman in Russia had such popularity, fame and influence that this semi-literate man from the Urals gained. His talent as a soothsayer and a mysterious death are still the subject of controversy for historians. Grigory Rasputin was born on January 9 (according to the new style - 21) January 1869 in the village of Pokrovskoye, Tyumen district, Tobolsk province. The ancestors of Grigory Efimovich came to Siberia among the first pioneers. There was no school in the village, so Rasputin remained illiterate for the rest of his life. In 1893, leaving his wife and children, Grigory Rasputin went to wander around the holy places. For several years, he visited the Lavra and many prominent monasteries. Upon his return to his native village, Rasputin began to lead the life of an "elder." His powerful and sensual temperament constantly demanded strong exciting experiences. He loved wine, women, music, dancing, long and interesting conversations. Religious views of Rasputin were distinguished by great originality and by no means coincided in everything with canonical Orthodoxy. In 1903, Grigory Rasputin visited St. Petersburg for the first time, and in 1905 he settled here. His extraordinary bright personality and phenomenal abilities very soon attracted everyone's attention. The rumor about the "holy old man" who prophesies and heals the sick quickly reached the highest society. From the numerous news of his contemporaries about him, we can conclude that Rasputin really had the gift of healing to a certain extent. He very successfully coped with various nervous disorders, relieved tics, stopped blood, easily relieved headaches, banished insomnia. The only explanation for his abilities for him was the firm conviction that God's will works through him. In a short time, Rasputin became a fashionable and famous person in the capital and was included even in high society drawing rooms. The Grand Duchesses Anastasia and Melitsa Nikolaevna, together with the beloved maid of honor of the Empress Anna Vyrubova, introduced him to the royal family. For Nicholas II, Rasputin was primarily a “Russian peasant”. For Empress Alexandra Feodorovna, the importance of Rasputin was much more serious and this was due to her deep personal drama. In August 1904, the long-awaited son, Tsarevich Alexei, was born to the imperial couple. However, the parents' joy was short-lived. Several weeks passed, and they learned that the baby was sick with a serious and incurable disease - hemophilia (incoagulability of blood). In the abilities of Rasputin, first of all, one must look for the reason for the enormous influence on the empress, which he soon acquired. All those initiated into the tragedy of the royal family unanimously testify to this. Only he was able to help the sick Tsarevich in those cases when doctors were desperate to give him relief. Rasputin's influence on the royal couple turned him into a kind of idol. Naturally, Rasputin's behavior, and especially his boundless influence on the royal family, angered some members of the nobility. They understood that the only way to eliminate Rasputin was to kill him. After several vain attempts, a group of conspirators succeeded in carrying out their plans. The conspiracy was organized by Prince Yusupov and Grand Duke Dmitry Pavlovich. On the night of December 17 (30), 1916, Prince Yusupov invited him to visit, who served him poisoned wine. The poison did not work, and then the conspirators shot Rasputin and threw his body under the ice in a tributary of the Neva. At the insistence of the empress, Rasputin's body was found and buried near the chapel of the imperial palace in Tsarskoe Selo.

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