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Pieces 204
Size 708x1003
Complexity normal
Added Faina Neznanskiy
Published 3/22/14
Players 5
Best time 00:23:40
Average time 00:52:58
Alexei Mikhailovich (Quiet) was an active participant in the drafting of the Cathedral Code of 1649, which created the legislative basis for Russian society for many decades. He actively attracted foreign specialists to serve in Russia. Under him, the regiments of the "foreign system" received active support. During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, a church schism occurred, which led to an intensification of the struggle not only of the church, but also of the state against the Old Believers. He also led an active foreign policy. The entire reign was marked by almost continuous wars.
During the reign of Alexei Mikhailovich, numerous mass social demonstrations took place: the peasant war of Stepan Razin, the Copper and Salt riots; and also significantly increased the borders of Russia due to the included in its structure Ukraine, Eastern Siberia, the Far East and other territories. Alexey Mikhailovich was the father of 16 children from two marriages. His first wife - Maria Ilyinichna Miloslavskaya - bore him 13 children, the second wife - Natalya Kirillovna Naryshkina - 3 children. Three of his sons subsequently reigned - Fedor, Ivan and Peter, as well as a daughter - Sophia. Alexey Mikhailovich died when he was almost 47 years old (January 29) on February 8, 1676 in Moscow. One of the reasons for his early senility was considered excessive, even by Moscow standards, obesity.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments , 11/28/14, 8:24:13 PM

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