American comedy-drama television series about the work and life of young doctors: John Dorian (JD) and his friend Christopher Turk, who had just graduated from the beginning of the series and came to work at the Sacred Heart Clinic.
In the hospital, they find new friends and new difficulties, both professional and personal, that they need to overcome. In addition, in the series, a fairly large place is given to three love lines: Chris Turk and Carla Espinosa, Perry Cox and Jordan, as well as the relationship between JD and Elliot Reed in one way or another.
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Pieces | 198 |
Size | 1440x880 |
Complexity | simple |
Added | Chocolate |
Published | 3/4/14 |
Players | 7 |
Best time | 00:12:55 |
Average time | 00:32:55 |
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