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Pieces 100
Size 600x600
Complexity simple
Added Tatia
Published 2/21/14
Players 65
Best time 00:04:43
Average time 00:12:53
Maine Coon - Maine Coon

Maine Coon (Maine Coon) is an aboriginal breed of semi-long-haired cats, whose ancestors lived on farms in Maine, Northeast America. Their name, which literally translates as "Manx raccoon", they got due to the external characteristics that made it similar to a raccoon - coat color (black tabby), strong build and a huge fluffy tail. Maine Coons are known for their high intelligence, affectionate disposition and especially large size. This breed bears the status of one of the largest domestic cats in the world.

The ears of a Maine Coon cat are unusually large, set quite high, almost vertical, wide at the base. Brushes grow on the tips of the pointed ears, which make the Maine Coon cat look like a lynx. Well, and, of course, the Maine Coon's eyes are extraordinarily beautiful - green, golden or amber, slightly slanted.

Maine Coons are an amazing animal that commands respect for themselves. It strikingly combines power and strength with a creamy character, the gaze of a wild beast with a gentle purr. This is a very intelligent and noble animal, the beauty of which pleases us, like everything perfect.

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