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Pieces 294
Size 1260x840
Complexity normal
Added nata-2
Published 1/31/14
Players 69
Best time 00:06:01
Average time 01:02:19
flour - 600 g,
milk - 1.5 cups,
eggs - 6 pcs,
butter 150-200 g,
sugar - 1.5-2 cups,
yeast - 40-50 g,
a pinch of salt,
raisins, candied fruits, dried apricots - 50 g each,
for glaze
protein - 1 pc,
icing sugar - 0.5 cups,
lemon juice - 1 dessert spoon. Preparation
Dissolve a tablespoon of sugar and yeast in warm milk.
Gradually add about 150-200 grams of sifted flour, stir, cover with a clean towel and put the dough in a warm place.
Separate the whites from the yolks.
Grind the yolks with sugar.
Melt the butter and cool.
When the volume of the dough doubles, add the yolks pounded with sugar, melted butter, salt, vanillin to it - mix everything.
Beat the cooled egg whites into a foam.
Add proteins and remaining flour and knead the dough.
The dough should not be very thick, but well kneaded and free to lag behind the walls of the dishes (the consistency of the dough is thinner than for pies, but thicker than for pancakes).
Cover the dough and place in a warm place to rise.
When it rises and increases in volume several times, add raisins (washed, dried and boned in flour), candied fruits, dried apricots.
Knead the dough and put it back in a warm place to rise.
Prepare cake tins: put an oiled circle of parchment paper on the bottom of the tins, and
grease the walls with vegetable or softened butter and sprinkle with flour.
Arrange the matched dough into prepared forms, let the dough rise again.
Easter cakes ready to bake (the dough has risen to the edges of the mold)
To get a more lush cake, the form must be filled in 1/3

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Solving time

Jigsaw puzzle comments

dezi , 3/5/14, 11:56:27 PM
Рецепти пеку уже много лет и всем нравится,даже делилась им с друзьями.
ramonda56 , 3/6/14, 8:48:19 PM
как можно собрать пазл за 1 секунду?  
НАТА 1949
НАТА 1949 , 3/9/14, 12:56:34 PM
А мне тоже очень интересно  

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