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Pieces 130
Size 600x780
Complexity simple
Added nata-2
Published 11/6/13
Players 151
Best time 00:03:37
Average time 00:32:00
I offer you the recipe "Lush kefir pancakes" from Alexander Grechko. It is believed that fluffy pancakes can be baked only with yeast, but cook according to this recipe and you yourself will understand that this is not so. The advantage of kefir pancakes is that they are more useful, and their preparation takes several times less than yeast pancakes. The whole process is done at once, without waiting for the dough to rise.
Products for making pancakes with kefir:
Kefir - 1 glass (250 ml.)
Water - 1/6 cup (40 ml.)
Egg - 1 pc.
Flour - 1 1/3 cups (300 - 350 ml)
Sugar - 3 tbsp. spoons
Salt - 1/2 level teaspoon
Soda - 1/2 level teaspoon
Vegetable oil for frying - about 3 mm from the bottom of the pan.
Butter for greasing pancakes.
Mix kefir with water and heat slightly. Put salt, sugar, egg in the bowl in which you will prepare the mixture and pour over slightly warmed kefir. Stir well until foam appears on top. Add flour by dividing it into 2 or 3 portions for easy mixing. Stir well to avoid lumps. You should get a thick mass that does not flow off the spoon, but comes off it as a viscous, thick mass. For mixing, I use a veselka, it quickly mixes and breaks lumps. After the mixture is ready, add the baking soda and stir the mixture thoroughly again. Before preparing the pancakes, heat the skillet and the oil in it. Fry the pancakes on both sides until golden brown. I recommend frying over medium heat so that the pancakes have time to bake. And to turn the pancakes, use an additional fork to support them, then you will not have oil splashing on the stove. When done, grease the pancakes with butter.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

lutik , 11/24/13, 10:17:05 PM
Хороший пазл.  
Ирина Полумиева
Ирина Полумиева , 11/25/13, 6:44:20 PM
Спасибо за рецепт!..)
КрошкаЕнот , 2/26/14, 9:14:11 PM
Наталья, спасибо за рецепт - получилась вкуснятина!!!  

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