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Pieces 308
Size 1320x840
Complexity normal
Added nata-2
Published 11/4/13
Players 54
Best time 00:09:37
Average time 01:14:42
Many people think that dolma is a very tasty dish consisting of minced meat pieces wrapped in a grape leaf. And this dish is so delicious that it has spread over a vast region from the Balkans and Greece to Yemen, from Lebanon and Syria to Uzbekistan and from the North Caucasus to the Crimea. In a word, almost everywhere where people know how to turn meat into minced meat and grapes grow, people cook dolma. And some believe that the name of the dish dolma comes from the name of the grape leaf in one ancient language. But what if in the same region just stuffed vegetables are called dolma? Here is the grape leaf which side? - This is all because, - say others, - that the word dolma comes from the Turkic verb "doldyrmag" - to start! And the wrapping in the Turkic languages will be "sarmag", therefore the dolma that in the grape leaves should be called sarma.
In general, there is some kind of confusion. But now I will clarify everything: the word dolma in the Uzbek language means something from minced meat, meatball, for example, or teftelin. And what kind of shell this dolma will get depends only on the imagination of the cook!

So, if dolma is minced meat, then let's start with minced meat! If the meat is not fat enough, then you need to add, for example, fat tail fat. If there is no fat tail fat, then you can fry the onion in oil. You need to cook undercooked rice for the minced meat. Minced meat should be salted and spices added to it according to your taste, up to dry aromatic herbs. Minced meat only needs to be mixed, but not kneaded. And in dolma the minced meat should be juicy and crumbly.
Prepare the peppers, prepare the cabbage leaves. Hard veins in cabbage leaves must be slightly beaten off, allowed to lie for two or three minutes in boiling water - this will be enough for them to become soft and not crack when minced meat is wrapped in them. But small eggplants can simply be cut lengthwise. So that they do not break, when they are stuffed with minced meat, it is better to chop the eggplant with a knife on the sides, boil for 5-10 minutes in boiling water, and then let it lie under the press. After that, they will be soft, plastic and will not crack at the most inopportune moment. Eggplant requires salt. Salt them before stuffing with minced meat. It's even easier with leeks, with potatoes just like with eggplants, I don't see any reason for a half of a quince to become a shell, but at least you have a zucchini-zucchini! Stuff vegetables with minced meat.
Then prepare the sauce in which the dolma will be cooked. Cut the carrots into cubes, add two or three more skinless tomatoes, rubbed through a sieve, a lot of onions and a lot of fresh herbs. Fry onions, fry carrots, fry tomatoes, add all the spices that are supposed to taste: turmeric, paprika, maybe cumin. And remove most of the sauce in a bowl, emptying the cauldron. A small part of the sauce should be left at the bottom of the cauldron, put potatoes on it and salt. On top of the potatoes, first cabbage cabbage rolls - they can cook longer than anyone else, they are not afraid, bell peppers, on top - more tender eggplants, and tomatoes - to the top of the pyramid. In a word, the location of the products in the cauldron should correlate with their tenderness and with the amount of heat they must receive in order to become ready.
A head or two of garlic, whole, like in pilaf, a couple of chilli peppers, peas, pre-boiled until almost cooked - all up! And cover everything with sauce! And cover everything with a green hat! Add some water. Close the cauldron with a lid, bring it to a boil over medium heat and reduce the heat to a minimum, and after thirty minutes put it on the divider so that the cauldron stops boiling (listen to it, do not open the lid in vain), but so that it does not cool down ... Or put this cauldron in the oven at 90C. It is necessary that vegetables are cooked at a low temperature, even without boiling, so that they languish. But to get the aroma from the minced meat and the aroma from the vegetables themselves, it is necessary that they cook for quite a long time - two or three hours, no less.

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Лента , 11/23/13, 4:05:38 PM
В рецепте правильное название - долма, почему же в названии пазла дАлма?   
✈Armия✈ , 11/23/13, 4:52:49 PM
Да, правильно дОлма  
очень вкусное блюдо,советую  
irina69 , 12/14/13, 4:55:36 PM
а не тот ли это Сталик ХАНКИШИЕВ? (есть отдельный тэг из 2х пазлов)   

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