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Pieces 320
Size 800x1000
Complexity normal
Added nata-2
Published 7/6/13
Players 72
Best time 00:11:16
Average time 01:21:43
Cecil Kennedy (1905 - 1997) - English painter, master of still life, was born on February 4, 1905 in Leighton, into a large Victorian family of artists. His favorite subject is still lifes. Flowers are exotic and those that are ubiquitous in England, grasses and tree branches. Cecil Kennedy studied botany very seriously and knew a lot about plants as a botanist. He also took into account "modern fashion" - at that time white flowers were very popular in England. And in the artist's still lifes, we see a large number of white flowers. We can say that no other artist who paints still lifes has so much white.

Queen Mary adored his work. She claimed that when she looks at the artist's work, she hears the hum of bees and smells the scent of flower bouquets. Floral still lifes by the English artist Cecil Kennedy, who is considered to be one of the best still life painters in Great Britain.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

Сашка Иванова
Сашка Иванова , 8/6/13, 12:02:36 AM
Очень нежный и изящный букет. чистые линии, яркие цвета. Классика жанра! Спасибо!  
markiz1992 , 8/31/20, 6:20:04 PM
Cecil Kennedy (1905-1997) - лучший британский художник, автор цветочных натюрмортов двадцатого столетия. В его работах часто сочетались современные гибридные экзотические цветы с традиционными английскими цветами и травами. Цветы Cecil Kennedy прекрасны, ими можно любоваться бесконечно. И очень реалистичны. Композиции для картин составляла для художника его жена, которая всегда помогала ему и вдохновляла все 64 года, прожитые вместе.  

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