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Pieces 256
Size 960x960
Complexity normal
Added nata-2
Published 10/4/13
Players 208
Best time 00:12:23
Average time 01:03:47
It is believed that the first sour dough cakes, which became the progenitors of modern pancakes, were baked in Egypt 4-5 thousand years ago. In one of the tombs of the Egyptian pharaohs, a schematic representation of a bakery was found. It is quite possible to believe in the hypothesis that brewer's yeast was added to the dough, and it miraculously rose before our eyes. The ancient recipe is basically quite similar to the modern one. The Chinese attribute the blini to themselves. But their pancakes are more like simple tortillas. But the most reliable thing is that the pancakes were presented to the world by the Russians, or rather the Eastern Slavs, in ancient pagan times. According to legend, one man decided to warm up oatmeal jelly for himself, but did not keep track. The sour mass was fried, and the first pancake turned out. I liked the food, and there was no limit to further improvement. Therefore, pancakes are rightfully the pride of our national Russian cuisine. And now there is probably no such people in the world, in whose kitchen there would be no pancakes. And what kind of recipes for making pancakes have not been invented over the past millennia of their history. The Germans and French like thin pancakes with various fillings, rolled into rolls. On the other hand, Americans prefer thick pancakes, more like pancakes, with maple syrup or bacon. The British add local ale and malt flour to the pancake dough. Mexican pancakes are famous tortillas that are wrapped in a bean or meat filling with tomato sauce. Real Russian pancakes were supposed to be lacy and with lots of snacks. We washed them down with hot sbitn and ate so that it was difficult to get up from the table. This tradition is still sacredly observed in many families at the Pancake Day.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

Разумна , 1/28/14, 12:45:59 AM
В Болгарии тоже есть - катмы называются.  
aprel , 3/9/14, 10:30:29 PM
Каждый народ имеет свои блины и свои пельмени, и гордится авторством Спасибо за праздничный такой пазл, с настроением.  
Фиалка , 11/17/16, 5:46:01 PM

Ах, как любил я мамины блины,
Языческие солнышки на блюде!
На Масляную, в шаге от весны,
Когда зима последним вздохом студит,

Мы собирались чинно у стола,
Садились в ряд с отцом и младшим братом.
Ложилась скатерть, ломка и бела,
Стол обнимая складчатым квадратом.

Гудела печь под натиском огня.
Как махаон мелькала сковородка.
И кот Василий – добрая родня
К столу спешил хозяйскою походкой.

А мама раскраснелась у плиты.
Движения расчетливы и чётки.
И раз за разом жаркие пласты
Слетали к нам на стол со сковородки.

И всем хватало, только успевай!
Три пёрышка гусиных нам подмога –
Блины топлёным маслом поливай,
Сметаны миска им смягчит дорогу...(?)  

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