Share the jigsaw puzzle

Pieces 625
Size 1500x1500
Complexity advanced
Added Leia
Published 12/30/18
Players 35
Best time 00:07:40
Average time 04:30:04
Let's be by your side in difficult times
Let's never get mad
And if someone suddenly offends us,
Let's not repay him a hundredfold.

Let's keep it safe
Crystals of feelings that warm our soul,
And cherish your loved ones-
After all, people are aging so rapidly.

Let's never hurt
And help parents in any way we can,
After all, how long they still have to live
And who in the world is closer and more expensive.

Let's talk to children more often
It is very important for them to know - they are loved,
And may they have grown long ago
But, as in childhood, they are still vulnerable.

Let's adore grandchildren
And involuntarily receive pleasure,
After all, grandmothers are supposed to forgive
And delicious treats to cook.

Let's give more often
Share what life has endowed us with
Let's never lose heart
And do not regret what happened in life.

Let's remember those who no longer exist
Who remains in our heart forever
And, only an echo, through the thickness of the years
It will fly to them along the milky lanes.

Let's be happy to live
Having a job is very important.
May the children cherish us
And the rest, in principle, is not important.

Let the old year go into the past
Saying goodbye to him, we meet the coming year,
He will be full of joy, worries,
But in life, a person is always leading.

I wish you health in the New Year
And never give up in life!
Believe me, you will certainly get lucky
And everything in the world will work out ...

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

shturmanvera , 1/4/19, 8:18:09 AM
Хороший коллаж!  

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