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Pieces 234
Size 780x1080
Complexity normal
Added Faina Neznanskiy
Published 10/30/17
Players 358
Best time 00:02:55
Average time 01:18:30
In our old cafe leaves fly from the trees,
Our childhood music doesn't sound in this old cafe
You laughed then, you said “not that one” and “not that one”,
And I dream of a cafe, and there you are, a golden princess.

In our old cafe, where the chestnut keeps our secret,
Where the starlings in the trees laughed at this love
A table that remembers us stands in the corner, as before,
I look at the chestnut and love you again, and I remember.

The sad old chestnut leaves our table with leaves,
And the starlings keep screaming and throwing themselves from branch to branch,
I was once fascinated here, fascinated by you
Seeing a cute look at the table, and not just a yoke.

So many years have passed, and I remember everything, as if yesterday
I saw you, you struck me just, with a look,
An era of happiness, love and kindness has begun for me,
I wanted one thing, that you were just by my side.

The chestnut flies, the old table limps in the corner
Leaves in gold will hide these silly tales of mine.
And I remember you, I just remember and I just love you,
Aged chestnut gives leaves of autumn caresses.

In our old cafe leaves fly from the trees,
Our childhood music doesn't sound in this old cafe
You laughed then, you said “not that one” and “not that one”.
And I dream of a cafe, and there you are, a golden princess.

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