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Pieces 221
Size 780x1020
Complexity normal
Added ИринаЗ
Published 9/1/13
Players 56
Best time 00:10:28
Average time 01:02:38
Leopard (Latin Panthera pardus) is a large representative of the feline family. The animal is very beautiful. The skin of the animal is a golden background, on which black spots are randomly scattered. Less commonly, you can see completely black leopards. These leopards are most often referred to as the black panther. In fact, this is one and the same animal, simply with a different body color. If you brightly illuminate a black panther, then spotting can be seen on its skin. Black panthers can mate with leopards, while the offspring are obtained with different skin colors, but in approximately equal proportions. Leopards have a very flexible and graceful figure. Small round head, slender legs, long tail - the leopard is the very embodiment of grace. And the sharpest claws and fangs make the animal one of the most dangerous predators. A leopard, even with a load in its teeth exceeding its own weight, can run easily and naturally. You might think that in the mouth of a predator there is not a roe deer weighing several tens of kilograms, but just a rabbit. With prey in its teeth, a leopard can jump to a height of two to three meters. In addition, the predator excellently climbs trees and can develop a breathtaking speed of up to 18 (!!!) meters per second.

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