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Pieces 144
Size 720x720
Complexity simple
Added *Елизавета*
Published 9/18/17
Players 11
Best time 00:09:08
Average time 00:20:27
Dolls are not just children's toys, in a way they are a whole symbol. Quite a few people raised the dolls to a cult. According to archaeologists, the first dolls appeared more than 40 thousand years ago. A doll is a toy in the form of a human or animal figure. It can be made of fabric, wood or porcelain, or plastic. The first dolls were pagan idols, often made of wood. Such dolls were used for rituals and sacrifices, and they could also personify the gods they worshiped. A doll as a toy became widespread only in the 19th century. Before that, dolls were a rarity, they were made by hand for their children by skilled craftsmen, dolls were rarely put up for sale. Moreover, even after gaining distribution in the world, dolls were sold more as a decorative toy, and children could only admire them from afar. Needless to say, only very wealthy parents could afford such toys. However, over time, dolls began to be made from papier-mâché - a fairly inexpensive material. Therefore, dolls have become increasingly common among ordinary people. In the modern world, dolls are often used for educational purposes. They are made from a variety of materials, mainly polymeric. Baby dolls, barbies, as well as many other dolls, which are most often intended for girls, have become widespread. However, there are many different dolls for boys too - often they are made in the form of superheroes or villains, or in the form of figurines of famous game characters.

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