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Pieces 156
Size 720x780
Complexity simple
Added Tatia
Published 8/31/13
Players 9
Best time 00:10:42
Average time 00:45:38
Once upon a time there was a little Hippo. And he had a Frog - very lively. You put her in the grass, and she - jump, jump, jump ... And the mosquito will devour.
The mosquito was also groovy. He flew thoughtfully over the river in which clockwork fish swam.
And the river was also groovy. And the clockwork sparrows chirped on the branches. And the clockwork trees swayed from the clockwork wind. And the clockwork Sun went down - then rose, then fell - then rose, then fell - then lifted ...
Clockwork stars shone in the clockwork sky at night.
The Great Spring set the entire Clockwork World in motion. And from this everything was swarming, tumbling, kolobrod and tricks.
“How groovy everything is! - thought the little Hippo (which, of course, was also groovy). - And my Frog is the best!
But once his Frog - jump, jump, jump ... - and suddenly froze in place. And the mosquito also froze. And the river stopped. And the fish froze in the water. The sparrows fell silent in mid-sentence - no, in a half-sound, of which only a plaintive "chik-chiriiiii ..." remained.
The wind died down. The trees are petrified.
The sun hung between heaven and earth.
But the groovy Behemoth did not notice anything of this. "What happened to my Frog ?!" - only he had time to think.
The hippopotamus did not know that trouble had happened: at the Big Spring the plant ran out. and that is why the whole clockwork world has stopped, as even the most reliable watches stop. Nothing was already fumbling in him, no tumbling, no kolobrod and no tricks.
And then, out of nowhere, the Watchmaker appeared. After examining the Big Spring with an experienced eye, he shook his gray head.
- Is the plant over? But the guarantee was for two thousand years ...
The Watchmaker diligently wound up the Big Spring, and went wherever he came from.
The Clockwork Frog made a timid leap. The clockwork mosquito from surprise almost fell into the river, which again carried its clockwork waters along with clockwork fish.
"… Iiiik, chik-chirik, chik-chirik!"
Wind started to blow.
The trees swayed.
And when the sun disappeared uncertainly behind the horizon, stars shone in the sky.
However, no one was going to sleep. The groovy Behemoth did not sleep either. He hugged the clockwork Frog and listened to the Clockwork World swarming, tumbling, kolobrod and tricks in the dark.
"What a groovy all around! - thought the little Hippo - And my frog is the best"
No one in this vast world has noticed the temporary stop. No one even knew about the Watchmaker.
And the Master, looking at the stars, turned from side to side and sighed softly. He, too, was groovy.
And although His factory was designed for Eternity, but who knows? .. A guarantee is just a promise. And as you know, there is little hope for words. Especially in this fragile world that just strives to break.

Tim S.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

Камиля Гариф
Камиля Гариф , 5/1/16, 8:50:37 AM
Сказка-всем сказкам сказка! Читаю впервые, поэтому очень впечатлена!  
zyfnf , 5/1/16, 9:50:50 AM

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