December 10 is named Programmer's Day in honor of the first representative of this not too ancient profession, who was also born on this day.
Countess Augusta Ada Lovelace was born on December 10, 1815. She was the only daughter of the great English poet George Gordon Byron (1788 - 1824) and Annabella Byron, née Milbank (1792 - 1860), the first female programmer. From an early age, she began to show interest in the exact sciences, including mathematics. Ada was the first lady to figure out how Babbage's logarithmic computer works. Moreover, I was carried away by the idea of its development and improvement so much that I myself came up with various options for problems.
The name of one of the smartest women of her era became known only decades after her death. Until now, she remains in the shadow of her male colleagues. In most specialized textbooks, there is not a single word about it. Meanwhile, the contribution of Ada Lovelace, née Byron, to the development of programming can rightfully be considered enormous.
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Pieces | 266 |
Size | 840x1140 |
Complexity | normal |
Added | ИринаЗ |
Published | 5/12/17 |
Players | 4 |
Best time | 00:31:07 |
Average time | 00:46:41 |
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