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Pieces 238
Size 1020x840
Complexity normal
Added el2555
Published 11/15/16
Players 465
Best time 00:00:01
Average time 01:05:02
/ from the series "Russian Impressionism" /

The great Russian artist Konstantin Alekseevich Korovin (1861 -1939) left the brightest mark in the history of Russian art, as a representative (even the founder) of Russian impressionism. His works are still considered masterpieces.
For the first time the concept of impressionism appeared in France at the end of the 19th century. It was the French technique, but using the Russian manner, that Korovin wanted to use in his paintings. Korovin's first truly impressionistic works include the so-called "Zhukovsky" paintings. The cycle got its name from the village of Zhukovka, where the Polenovs' dacha was located, with whom Korovin was friendly. Polenov's dacha life was stormy and crowded - the hospitable owner gladly met his friends, brothers and students. ... All these guests became the heroes of Korovin's "Zhukov" paintings.
In the painting At the Tea Table, the painter portrayed Elena Polenova (she sits with her back to the viewer), Natalia Polenova (sits with her face), her sister, a young artist Maria Yakunchikova and family friend Vyacheslav Ziberov.
At first glance, it is striking that the purely impressionistic construction of the composition is the effect of a random frame, invented by French colleagues. The heroes seemed to be accidentally captured on the canvas - their poses are relaxed and everyone is busy with their own business.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

Фиалка , 11/19/16, 8:41:37 PM
За столиком чайным в гостиной
Спор о любви зашел.
Изысканны были мужчины,
Чувствителен нежный пол.

- Любить платонически надо! -
Советник изрек приговор,
И был ему тут же наградой
Супруги насмешливый взор.

Священник заметил: - Любовью,
Пока ее пыл не иссяк,
Мы вред причиняем здоровью. -
Девица спросила: - Как так?

- Любовь - это страсть роковая!
Графиня произнесла
И чашку горячего чая
Барону, вздохнув, подала.

Тебя за столом не хватало.
А ты бы, мой милый друг,
Верней о любви рассказала,
Чем весь этот избранный круг.(Генрих Гейне переводС.Я.Маршака)
el2555 , 2/13/17, 9:34:25 PM
Какие разнообразные мысли о любви! :))) Прелестно!!  

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