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Pieces | 160 |
Size | 960x600 |
Complexity | simple |
Added | чаща |
Published | 3/7/16 |
Players | 147 |
Best time | 00:06:49 |
Average time | 00:24:00 |
On this day, the son-in-law came "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." In addition to the son-in-law, the mother-in-law also invited other guests. There is even an expression in Russian "to the mother-in-law for pancakes." Young on this day dressed as it was at the wedding. On the same day, young unmarried guys and unmarried girls rode down the mountains. It is interesting that the whole village made fun of the guys who were unlucky this year and did not have time to marry, invented all sorts of "punishments" from which the young guys bought off treats - pancakes and sweets. But the most important event of this day was still the visit of the son-in-law - “to the mother-in-law for pancakes”.
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