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Pieces 216
Size 660x990
Complexity normal
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Published 10/6/15
Players 945
Best time 00:00:38
Average time 00:45:20
Why do leaves change color. The green color of the leaves in plants is due to the fact that their cells contain such a pigment as chlorophyll. It absorbs sunlight and synthesizes nutrients for plant life to function.
The nutrients accumulated in the leaves throughout the summer begin to move to the root, trunk and branches, where they remain during the cold weather. When it gets warm, they will be used to grow new leaves, cycle after cycle. After the leaves have parted with all the beneficial substances, there will no longer be any point in chlorophyll. It will be replaced by pigments of a completely different color, which will give the foliage a special, autumn coloring.
The yellow pigment that replaces chlorophyll in the leaves of some trees, such as hazel or birch, consists of carotene, the very pigment responsible for the orange color of carrots.

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

Gladis Shopping Agency
Gladis Shopping Agency , 10/14/15, 1:31:57 AM
shturmanvera , 10/14/15, 1:40:31 PM
Когда осень золотая - это очень красиво!  
Евгеньевна6 , 10/14/15, 8:33:55 PM
...Есть в осени первоначальной
Короткая, но дивная пора...
Спасибо за прелестный, хрустально-осенний паззл!  
irina vl 1952
irina vl 1952 , 10/22/15, 5:31:15 PM
Березы желтою резьбой
Блестят в лазури голубой,
Как вышки, елочки темнеют,
А между кленами синеют
То там, то здесь в листве сквозной
Просветы в небо, что оконца.
Лес пахнет дубом и сосной,
За лето высох он от солнца,
И Осень тихою вдовой
Вступает в пестрый терем свой…

ЛІСОВИК , 12/8/15, 10:14:18 PM

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