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Pieces 130
Size 600x780
Complexity simple
Added Glizinija
Published 9/9/15
Players 10
Best time 00:09:39
Average time 00:15:13
Every day, under the window, he starts a hurdy-gurdy.
Monotonously and sleepily he sings about one thing.
The old sky is crying, the rain is wetting the monkey,
An elderly actress with a tired face.

You are a tired clown, you are a funny showman
With a naked soul, you know no shame!
Shut up, shut up, shut up, you crazy organ grinder
I must forget my songs forever, forever!

A mad ball rushes and flies to infinity,
And funny insects clung to him,
Beat, curl, buzz and count on eternity
They disappear like smoke, not knowing anything.

And high above, Time is an old deceiver,
Like specks of dust from flowers, years are blown off them ...
Shut up, shut up, shut up, you crazy organ grinder
We'd better never know this song, never!

We are autumn leaves, we were blown away by the storm.
We are all driven and driven by the winds by herds.
Who will calm us down, endlessly tired,
Who will show us the way to this kingdom of Spring?

Will it be a prophet or just a deceiver
And what kind of paradise will they drive us to then? ..
Shut up, shut up, shut up, you crazy organ grinder
We can never forget this song, never!

(Alexander Vertinsky, 1930)

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