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Pieces 638
Size 1769x1342
Complexity advanced
Added shade soul 2
Published 9/6/15
Players 24
Best time 00:08:33
Average time 02:58:18
A wolf lived with his mother in the forest.
Once my mother went hunting.
And the wolf was caught by a man, put it in a sack and brought it to the city. I put the bag in the middle of the room.
The bag did not move for a long time. Then the little wolf floundered in it and got out. He looked in one direction - he was frightened: a man was sitting, looking at him.
I looked in the other direction - the black cat snorts, puffs, itself twice as thick, barely stands. And next to it the dog bares its teeth.
The wolf was completely afraid. I climbed back into the bag, but I couldn't get in - the empty bag lay on the floor like a rag.
And the cat puffed up, puffed up and how it hisses! He jumped onto the table, knocked down the saucer. The saucer broke.
The dog barked.
The man shouted loudly, “Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha!"
A wolf huddled under a chair and began to live there, tremble.
There is an armchair in the middle of the room.
The cat looks down from the back of the chair.
The dog runs around the chair.
A man in an armchair is smoking.
And the wolf is barely alive under the chair.
At night, the man fell asleep, and the dog fell asleep, and the cat closed his eyes.
Cats - they do not sleep, they only doze.
The wolf got out to look around.
He walked, walked, sniffed, and then sat down and howled.
The dog barked.
The cat jumped on the table.
The man sat on the bed. He waved his hands and screamed. And the wolf again climbed under the chair. I began to live there quietly.
In the morning the man left. Poured milk into a bowl. The cat and the dog began to lap milk.
A wolf got out from under the chair, crawled to the door, and the door was open!
From the door to the stairs, from the stairs to the street, from the street across the bridge, from the bridge to the garden, from the garden to the field.
And behind the field there is a forest.
And in the forest there is a mother-wolf.
We sniffed, rejoiced, and ran further through the forest.
And now the wolf has become the wolf.

E. Charushin

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Jigsaw puzzle comments

Агай , 12/14/15, 9:55:52 AM
Люблю волков животных.Но не волков людей.10 из 10.  
shade soul 2
shade soul 2 , 12/14/15, 1:05:01 PM
Спасибо за отзыв, Агай. Рада, что вам понравилось.  
shturmanvera , 8/28/16, 3:06:49 PM
Я вообще-то волков боюсь, но здесь они такие красивые!  

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