Fox Puzzles

In the "Foxes" subcategory, you are presented educational online puzzles with red forest beauties. Both adults and children will be interested in collecting bright pictures with cute fox faces without registration. In almost all Russian folk tales, cartoons and anime about animals, there is such a good or evil character as a fox: Alisa, fox Patrikeevna, kitsune - these names and names are present in old and modern folklore of Russia and Europe. In foreign creativity, foxes are the embodiment of cunning and cunning, and therefore every child from childhood knows the distinctive features of this animal: a luxurious red fur coat, dark ears and a white tip of the tail, with which foxes insidiously cover their tracks. Collect jigsaw puzzles with pictures of sisters chanterelles preparing for hibernation in a burrow under a tall tree, or watch how dexterously these furry predators prey on rabbits, mice and other rodents.

Jigsaw puzzle: Coat Coat
  •  144
  •  14
  •  5
Jigsaw puzzle: Fox cubs Fox cubs
  •  224
  •  1
  •  0